COLOMBO, Claudio Massimo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.365
NA - Nord America 3.871
AS - Asia 617
AF - Africa 256
SA - Sud America 59
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 9.186
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.854
IT - Italia 1.266
IE - Irlanda 1.141
UA - Ucraina 293
CN - Cina 276
RU - Federazione Russa 272
FI - Finlandia 261
CI - Costa d'Avorio 243
AT - Austria 229
SG - Singapore 228
DE - Germania 213
FR - Francia 213
SE - Svezia 182
GB - Regno Unito 129
BE - Belgio 62
BR - Brasile 43
IN - India 32
IR - Iran 17
NL - Olanda 15
CA - Canada 13
ES - Italia 12
EU - Europa 10
EC - Ecuador 8
LT - Lituania 8
AU - Australia 7
CH - Svizzera 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
HR - Croazia 6
HK - Hong Kong 5
IL - Israele 5
MA - Marocco 5
PL - Polonia 5
PT - Portogallo 5
RO - Romania 5
TR - Turchia 5
EG - Egitto 4
GR - Grecia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
JP - Giappone 4
MY - Malesia 4
PH - Filippine 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
VN - Vietnam 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AL - Albania 3
AR - Argentina 3
DK - Danimarca 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
LV - Lettonia 3
ME - Montenegro 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BO - Bolivia 2
CL - Cile 2
CY - Cipro 2
EE - Estonia 2
GE - Georgia 2
KR - Corea 2
LB - Libano 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PA - Panama 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PE - Perù 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 9.186
Città #
Dublin 1.140
Chandler 797
Jacksonville 718
Abidjan 243
Vienna 229
Wilmington 218
Helsinki 185
Ann Arbor 167
San Mateo 140
Singapore 138
Rome 134
Woodbridge 127
Boardman 110
Princeton 99
Dearborn 97
Ashburn 94
Molise 93
New York 87
Houston 75
Beijing 67
Campobasso 67
Brussels 62
Los Angeles 37
Falls Church 33
Bologna 31
Milan 31
Pescara 24
Redwood City 24
Florence 22
Naples 22
Napoli 22
Baranello 21
Dallas 16
Mountain View 16
Palermo 16
Turin 15
Bari 13
Guangzhou 13
Nanjing 13
Tivoli 13
Ancona 11
Auburn Hills 11
Jinan 11
Paris 11
Shenyang 11
Ardabil 10
Hefei 10
Leawood 10
Fiumicino 9
Kunming 9
Scicli 9
Augusta 8
Bergamo 8
Catania 8
Falkenstein 8
Moscow 8
Norwalk 8
São Paulo 8
Toronto 8
Amsterdam 7
Dammarie 7
Latisana 7
London 7
Morcone 7
Mumbai 7
Munich 7
Padova 7
Brunnthal 6
Genoa 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Salerno 6
Tappahannock 6
Borås 5
Cerveteri 5
Elche 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Hangzhou 5
Marnate 5
Oratino 5
Perugia 5
San Giovanni Rotondo 5
San Michele All'adige 5
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 5
Siena 5
Sorbolo 5
Taizhou 5
Aquila 4
Arcevia 4
Camerino 4
Casandrino 4
Hebei 4
Jiaxing 4
Lissone 4
Nanchang 4
Ningbo 4
Notaresco 4
Piemonte 4
Quito 4
Redmond 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Totale 5.857
Nome #
Procedimento per la sintesi di un concime liquido a base di umato di ferro a partire da acidi umici e solfato ferroso 330
Apennine pasture as potential ecosystem services source: a case study 195
Guida Pedologica ai Suoli Forestali del Matese Molisano 168
Diffrattometria a raggi X - Analisi mineralogica qualitativa 156
Arsenate retention mechanisms on hematite with different morphologies evaluated using AFM, TEM measurements and vibrational spectroscopy 154
Assessing spatial variability and erosion susceptibility of soils in hilly agricultural areas in Southern Italy 150
Stresses in pasture areas in South-Central Apennines, Italy, and evolution at landscape level 143
Microscopia elettronica a scansione 139
Stability of coprecipitated natural humic acid and ferrous iron under oxidative conditions 125
Integrated study of Red Mediterranean soils from Southern Italy 122
Reversing agriculture from intensive to sustainable improves soil quality in a semiarid South Italian soil 122
Influence of hydrothermal synthesis conditions on size, morphology and colloidal properties of Hematite nanoparticles 121
The effects of land use and landscape on soil nitrate availability in Southern Italy (Molise region) 118
Characteristics of Insoluble, High Molecular Weight Iron-Humic Substances used as Plant Iron Sources 117
Characterization of synthetic hematite (alfa-Fe2O3) nanoparticles using a multi-technique approach 112
Estimation of andic properties from Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for volcanic soil classification 112
Use of Vis-NIR Spectroscopy to predict the impact of different amendments on Pb and As bioaccessibility in urban soils 112
Review on iron availability in soil: interaction of Fe minerals,plants, and microbes 111
A large-scaled analysis on the spatial variability of soil parameters and its relation to soil erodibility and landscape characteristics in Southern Italy (Molise Region) 109
A geostatistical Vis-NIR spectroscopy index to assess the incipient soil salinization in the Neretva River valley, Croatia 106
Particle size, charge and colloidal stability of humic acids coprecipitated with Ferrihydrite 105
Iron oxide nanoparticles in soils: Environmental and agronomic importance 104
Clay formation and pedogenetic processes in tephra-derived soils and buried soils from Central-Southern Apennines (Italy). 103
Microscopia di forza atomica 103
Chemometric technique performances in predicting forest soil chemical and biological properties from uv-vis-nir reflectance spectra with small, high dimensional datasets 103
Biostimulant potential of humic acids extracted from an amendment obtained via combination of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) and a pre-treated organic material derived from municipal solid waste (MSW) 102
Soil development in a Quaternary fluvio-lacustrine paleosol sequence in Southern Italy 101
Il degrado della risorsa suolo, quale futuro per l'agricoltura e per l'ambiente? 100
Bioaccessibility of Pb and As in contaminated urban soil evaluated by chemical extraction and Vis-NIR spectroscopy 99
Characterization of magnetite nanoparticles synthetized from Fe(II)/nitrate solutions for arsenic removal from water 97
Spontaneous aggregation of humic acid observed with AFM at different pH 95
Discriminating the effects of forest management on litter and soil in a mediterranean pine forest by VisNIR 95
Effect of tannate, pH, sample preparation, ageing and temperature on the formation and nature of Al oxyhydroxides 94
Cadmium removal from simulated groundwater using alumina nanoparticles: behaviors and mechanisms 93
Uso della spettroradiometria ottica e di immagini iperspettrali per lo studio dei suoli in sistemi agricoli e forestali del Mediterraneo 91
Variation of the chemical and biological properties of a Technosol during seven years after a single application of compost 90
Molecular size distribution and shape of humic substance and ferrihydrite coprecipitated complexes 89
Un approccio concreto per il disinquinamento del suolo 88
La stazione sperimentale per la misura dell'erosione del suolo di Morgiapietravalle (Molise,Italia): primi risultati sperimentali 86
Binding of DNA from Bacillus subtilis on Montmorillonite–Humic Acids–Aluminum or Iron Hydroxypolymers: Effects on Transformation and Protection against DNase 85
Application of Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) to study European Volcanic Soils: a preliminary examination 85
Effects of Olive Mill Wastewater and Two Natural Extracts as Nitrification Inhibitors on Activity of Nitrifying Bacteria, Soil Nitrate Leaching Loss, and Nitrogen Metabolism of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) 85
A pedostratigraphic marker in the geomorphological evolution of the Campanian Apennines (Southern Italy): The Paleosol of Eboli 84
Soil Organic Carbon Variation in Alpine Landscape (Northern Italy) as Evaluated by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy 84
Soil Spatial variability factors influencing nitrate contamination in groundwater in Molise (southern Italy) 83
Ecological portrayal of old-growth forests and persistent woodlands in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park (Southern Italy) 82
Caratteristiche ecofisiologiche ed accumulo di cadmio in roverella (Quercus pubescens Willd.) 82
Confronto tra misure spettrofotometriche e spettroradiometriche per la caratterizzazione degli ossidi di ferro nelle terre rosse. 81
Uso della spettrometria di riflettanza diffusa (DRS) e bi-direzionale (BRF) per lo studio dei suoli vulcanici europei 81
Characteristics and genesis of volcanic soils from South Central Italy: Mt Gauro (Phlegraean Fields, Campania) and Vico lake (Latium) 80
Iron oxide-humic acid coprecipitates as iron source for cucumber plants 80
Future Soil Issues 79
Confronto tra metodologie di analisi per la determinazione dei metalli pesanti nel suolo 78
La stazione sperimentale per la misura della erosione del suolo di Morgiapietravalle (Molise, Italia). primi risultati sperimentali 78
Procedimento di assorbimento su matrice solida delle acque di vegetazione effluenti dai frantoi oleari 78
Phosphate adsorption and desorption in relation to morphology and crystal properties of synthetic hematites 77
Occurrence of poorly ordered Fe-rich phases at he interface between the lichen Stereocaulon vesuvianum and volcanic rock from Mt Vesuvius 77
Assessment and modelling of spatial variability of the soil factors potentially affecting groundwater nitrate contamination in two agricultural areas of Molise Region (Southern Italy) 77
Litter fractions and dynamics in a degraded pine forest after thinning treatments 77
Comparing two different spectroscopic techniques for the characterization of soil iron oxides: Diffuse versus bi-directional reflectance 76
Contrasting effects of hematites and goethites on adsorption and desorption of phosphate by Terra Rossa soils 74
Caratterizzazione del suolo di un vigneto ed influenza sulla perfommance del vitigno Falanghina 74
Soil enzyme activities as affected by anthropogenic alterations:intensive agricultural practices and organic pollution 74
Quantification of Al-goethite from diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic methods. 73
Mineralogy, micromorphology and chemical analysis of andosols on the Island of Sao Miguel (Azores) 71
Proposal of a model for analysis and valuation of environmental and economic damages caused by soil degradation 71
Weathering sequence of volcanic ash soils in the Matese Mountians as evaluated by Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) 70
Application of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to characterise volcanic soil color and mineralogy - 69
Competitive adsorption of phosphate and oxalate by Al-Oxides 69
Trace elements in manganese-iron nodules from a Chinese Alfisol 69
Formation and charactirization of OH-Al-humate-montmorillonite complexes 67
Prediction of bioaccessible lead in urban and suburban soils with Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 67
Rischio di accumulo di metalli pesanti in suoli con diversa gestione agraria 65
Adsorbimento e scambio 65
Soil, carbon dynamics and biodiversity in pasture areas of Southern Italy 64
Competitive adsorption of sulfate and oxalate on goethite in the absence or presence of phosphate 63
Micromorphological evidence of paleoenvironmental changes in Northern Cilento (South Italy) during the Late Quaternary 63
Formation of volcanic ash soils in the Matese Mountains of southern Italy 62
Genesis and formation of Terra Rossa soils: an integrated approch based on traditional methods soil micromorphology and bi-directional reflectance spectometry 62
Effect of aging on the nature and interlayering of mixed hydroxy Al-Fe-montmorillonite complexes 61
Effect of time on the chemical composition and crystallization of mixed iron and aluminum species 61
Chemical and biochemical indicator of manged agricultural soils 61
Relationships between soil properties, erodibility and hillslope features in Central Apennines, Southern Italy 58
Integrated approach for quality assessment of technosols in experimental mesocosms 58
Effect of pH, echange cations and hydrolytic species of Al and Fe on formation and properties of montmorillonite protein complexes. 57
Nature of mixed iron and aluminum gels as affected by Fe/Al molar ratio, pH and citrate 56
Forms and characteristics of insoluble Fe-humic substances used for Fe nutrition of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) 56
Soil Science in Molise 55
Comparison of natural and technogenic soils developed on volcanic ash by Vis-NIR spectroscopy 55
Genesis and formation of volcanic soil in Fregrean Fields 53
Il fenomeno dell’erosione idrica nel territorio molisano 52
Environmental implications of interaction between humic substances and iron oxide nanoparticles: A review 51
Late Quaternary climatic changes in Northern Cilento (Southern Italy): an integrated geomorphological and paleopedological study 49
Chemical and enzymatic properties of Mediterranean agricultural soils with different land use 47
Totale 9.034
Categoria #
all - tutte 42.845
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 42.845

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020761 0 0 0 0 0 72 250 76 121 47 46 149
2020/20211.045 24 118 23 145 143 38 122 11 160 28 205 28
2021/2022781 60 127 19 23 54 104 33 67 110 75 35 74
2022/20233.005 336 140 75 255 192 226 26 138 1.390 102 73 52
2023/2024883 129 91 54 42 77 116 51 33 22 59 78 131
2024/20251.271 289 82 302 121 385 92 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.370