SULPIZIO, Valentina
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 170
AF - Africa 118
AS - Asia 72
NA - Nord America 68
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 429
Nazione #
RU - Federazione Russa 122
CI - Costa d'Avorio 118
SG - Singapore 62
US - Stati Uniti d'America 56
CA - Canada 10
GB - Regno Unito 8
IT - Italia 8
BE - Belgio 7
DE - Germania 7
CN - Cina 5
FR - Francia 4
UA - Ucraina 4
FI - Finlandia 3
LT - Lituania 3
AT - Austria 2
MY - Malesia 2
PA - Panama 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
DK - Danimarca 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 429
Città #
Abidjan 118
Singapore 34
Dallas 28
Moscow 21
Toronto 8
Brussels 7
Frankfurt am Main 7
London 5
Paris 3
Cassino 2
Helsinki 2
Milan 2
Ottawa 2
Rome 2
Auckland 1
Baku 1
Bishkek 1
Bratislava 1
Guangzhou 1
Hangzhou 1
Lappeenranta 1
Los Angeles 1
Panama City 1
Pasadena 1
Santa Clara 1
Vienna 1
Totale 253
Nome #
A common neural substrate for processing scenes and egomotion-compatible visual motion 12
I can see where you would be. patterns of fMRI activity reveal imagined landmarks 12
A common neural substrate for processing scenes and egomotion-compatible visual motion 11
Age-related effects on spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to different reference frames 11
A putative human homologue of the macaque area PEc 11
I can see where you would be: Patterns of fMRI activity reveal imagined landmarks 10
Effect of exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation over prefrontal cortex in multiple sclerosis patients: a neuroimaging pilot study 10
Effect of Exoskeleton-Assisted Rehabilitation Over Prefrontal Cortex in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Neuroimaging Pilot Study 10
Direct and indirect parieto-medial temporal pathways for spatial navigation in humans. evidence from resting-state functional connectivity 10
Neural codes for one’s own position and direction in a real-world “vista” environment 9
Direct and indirect parieto-medial temporal pathways for spatial navigation in humans: evidence from resting-state functional connectivity 9
Neural representations underlying mental imagery as unveiled by representation similarity analysis 9
A putative human homologue of the macaque area PEc 9
A penny for your thoughts. Patterns of fMRI activity reveal the content and the spatial topography of visual mental images 8
Distributed cognitive maps reflecting real distances between places and views in the human brain 8
A penny for your thoughts. Patterns of fMRI activity reveal the content and the spatial topography of visual mental images 8
A virtual environment for egocentric and allocentric mental transformations: a study on a non clinical population of adults with distinct levels of schizotypy 8
A virtual environment for egocentric and allocentric mental transformations: A study on a nonclinical population of adults with distinct levels of schizotypy 8
Functional connectivity between posterior hippocampus and retrosplenial complex predicts individual differences in navigational ability 8
One's own country and familiar places in the mind's eye: different topological representations for navigational and non-navigational contents 8
Extinction learning is slower, weaker and less context specific after alcohol 8
Distributed cognitive maps reflecting real distances between places and views in the human brain 7
Spatiotemporal brain mapping during preparation, perception, and action 7
Functional connectivity between posterior hippocampus and retrosplenial complex predicts individual differences in navigational ability 7
Selective role of lingual/parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial complex in spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to the environmental reference frame 7
Caloric Vestibular Stimulation Reduces Pain and Somatoparaphrenia in a Severe Chronic Central Post-Stroke Pain Patient: A Case Study 7
Age-related effects on spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to different reference frames 7
Extinction learning is slower, weaker and less context specific after alcohol 7
Lower visual field preference for the visuomotor control of limb movements in the human dorsomedial parietal cortex 7
Assessing the effective connectivity of premotor areas during real vs imagined grasping: a DCM-PEB approach 7
A virtual environment for egocentric and allocentric mental transformations: a study on a non clinical population of adults with distinct levels of schizotypy 7
The dynamic contribution of the high-level visual cortex to imagery and perception 7
Implicit coding of location and direction in a familiar, real-world "vista" space 7
Neural bases of self- and object-motion in a naturalistic vision 7
Neural Bases of Self- And Object-Motion in a Naturalistic Vision 6
Path integration in 3D from visual motion cues: A human fMRI study 6
Real and Imagined Grasping Movements Differently Activate the Human Dorsomedial Parietal Cortex 6
Preference for locomotion-compatible curved paths and forward direction of self-motion in somatomotor and visual areas 6
Role of the human retrosplenial cortex/parieto-occipital sulcus in perspective priming 6
The dynamic contribution of the high-level visual cortex to imagery and perception 6
One's own country and familiar places in the mind's eye: Different topological representations for navigational and non-navigational contents 6
Hemispheric asymmetries in the transition from action preparation to execution 6
Spatiotemporal brain mapping during preparation, perception, and action 6
Hemispheric asymmetries in the transition from action preparation to execution 6
Selective role of lingual/parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial complex in spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to the environmental reference frame 6
Path integration in 3D from visual motion cues: A human fMRI study 6
Multisensory integration in cortical regions responding to locomotion‐related visual and somatomotor signals 6
Common and specific activations supporting optic flow processing and navigation as revealed by a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies 6
Functional organization of the caudal part of the human superior parietal lobule 6
Neural bases of self- and object-motion in a naturalistic vision 6
Hemispheric asymmetries in the transition from action preparation to execution 6
Implicit coding of location and direction in a familiar, real-world "vista" space 5
Preference for locomotion-compatible curved paths and forward direction of self-motion in somatomotor and visual areas 5
Lower visual field preference for the visuomotor control of limb movements in the human dorsomedial parietal cortex 5
Neural sensitivity to translational self‐ and object‐motion velocities 5
Multisensory integration in cortical regions responding to locomotion‐related visual and somatomotor signals 5
Egomotion-related visual areas respond to active leg movements 5
Spatiotemporal brain mapping during preparation, perception, and action 5
Real and imagined grasping movements differently activate the human dorsomedial parietal cortex 5
Egomotion-related visual areas respond to active leg movements 5
Visuospatial transformations and personality: evidence of a relationship between visuospatial perspective taking and self-reported emotional empathy 5
Reduced Priming Effect for Visual-Spatial Perspective Taking in Patients with Severe Acquired Brain Injury 5
Visuo-spatial attention and semantic memory competition in the parietal cortex 5
The human middle temporal cortex responds to both active leg movements and egomotion-compatible visual motion 5
Egomotion-related visual areas respond to goal-directed movements 5
Embodied and disembodied allocentric simulation in high schizotypal subjects 5
Prompting future events: effects of temporal cueing and time on task on brain preparation to action 4
Effect of optic flow on spatial updating: insight from an immersive virtual reality study 4
Embodied and disembodied allocentric simulation in high schizotypal subjects 4
Embodied and disembodied allocentric simulation in high schizotypal subjects 4
Role of the human retrosplenial cortex/parieto-occipital sulcus in perspective priming 4
Interhemispheric interplay between the left and right premotor cortex during grasping as assessed by dynamic causal modelling 4
Neural codes for one’s own position and direction in a real-world “vista” environment 4
Visuospatial transformations and personality: evidence of a relationship between visuospatial perspective taking and self-reported emotional empathy 4
Role of the human retrosplenial cortex/parieto-occipital sulcus in perspective priming 4
Individual differences in mental imagery modulate effective connectivity of scene-selective regions during resting state 4
Totale 505
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.716
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.716

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024107 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 10 9 2 2 5
2024/2025398 147 73 47 6 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 505