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A genetic approach to elucidate the pathway of patulin degradation by a biocontrol yeast. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 1-gen-2008 Castoria, Raffaello; DE FELICE, D. V.; D'Alonges, S; Ianiri, G; Heitman, J; Idnurm, A. AND WRIGHT S. A. I.
A novel mycovirus evokes transcriptional rewiring in the fungus Malassezia and stimulates beta interferon production in macrophages 1-gen-2020 Clancey, S. A.; Ruchti, F.; Leibundgut-Landmann, S.; Heitman, J.; Ianiri, Giuseppe
A Rapid Assay for Patulin Degradation by the Basidiomycetous Yeast Rhodotorula Glutinis Strain LS11 1-gen-2008 WRIGHT SANDRA, A. I.; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Castoria, Raffaello
A silver bullet in a golden age of functional genomics: the impact of Agrobacterium‑mediated transformation of fungi 1-gen-2017 Alexander, Idnurm; Andy, M Bailey; Timothy, C Cairns; Candace E., Elliott; Gary, D Foster; Ianiri, G; and Junhyun, Jeon
A silver bullet in a golden age of functional genomics: the impact of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of fungi 1-gen-2017 Idnurm, Alexander; Bailey, Andy M; Cairns, Timothy C; Elliott, Candace E; Foster, Gary D; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Jeon, Junhyun
Advances and Perspectives in the Use of Biocontrol Agents against Fungal Plant Diseases 1-gen-2022 Palmieri, D; Ianiri, G; Del Grosso, C; Barone, G; De Curtis, F; Castoria, R; Lima, G
Advancing functional genetics through Agrobacterium-mediated insertional mutagenesis and CRISPR/Cas9 in the commensal and pathogenic yeast Malassezia 1-gen-2019 Ianiri, G.; Dagotto, G.; Sun, S.; Heitman, J.
ANALYSIS OF PGIP EXPRESSION ON TWO POPLAR CLONES TREATED WITH CADMIUM. 1-gen-2009 Monia, Labella; Cristina, Giancola; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Caprari, Claudio
Analysis of the Genome and Transcriptome of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii Reveals Complex RNA Expression and Microevolution Leading to Virulence Attenuation 1-gen-2014 Guilhem, Janbon; Kate L., Ormerod; Damien, Paulet; Edmond J., Byrnes III; Vikas, Yadav; Gautam, Chatterjee; Nandita, Mullapudi; Chung-Chau, Hon; R., Blake Billmyre; François, Brunel; Yong-Sun, Bahn; Weidong, Chen; Yuan, Chen; Eve W. L., Chow; Jean-Yves, Coppée; Anna, Floyd-Averette; Claude, Gaillardin; Kimberly J., Gerik; Jonathan, Goldberg; Sara, Gonzalez-Hilarion; Sharvari, Gujja; Joyce L., Hamlin; Yen-Ping, Hsueh; Ianiri, G; Steven, Jones; Chinnappa D., Kodira; Lukasz, Kozubowski; Woei, Lam; Marco, Marra; Larry D., Mesner; Piotr A., Mieczkowski; Frédérique, Moyrand; Kirsten, Nielsen; Caroline, Proux; Tristan, Rossignol; Jacqueline E., Schein; Sheng, Sun; Carolin, Wollschlaeger; Ian A., Wood; Qiandong, Zeng; Cécile, Neuvéglise; Carol S., Newlon; John R., Perfect; Jennifer K., Lodge; Alexander, Idnurm; Jason E., Stajich; James W., Kronstad; Kaustuv, Sanyal; Joseph, Heitman; James A., Fraser; Christina A., Cuomo; Fred S., Dietrich
Analysis of the Genome and Transcriptome of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii Reveals Complex RNA Expression and Microevolution Leading to Virulence Attenuation 1-gen-2014 Janbon, G.; Ormerod, K. L.; Paulet, D.; Byrnes III, E. J.; Yadav, V.; Chatterjee, G.; Mullapudi, N.; Hon, C. -C.; Billmyre, R. B.; Brunel, F.; Bahn, Y. -S.; Chen, W.; Chen, Y.; Chow, E. W. L.; Coppee, J. -Y.; Floyd-Averette, A.; Gaillardin, C.; Gerik, K. J.; Goldberg, J.; Gonzalez-Hilarion, S.; Gujja, S.; Hamlin, J. L.; Hsueh, Y. -P.; Ianiri, G.; Jones, S.; Kodira, C. D.; Kozubowski, L.; Lam, W.; Marra, M.; Mesner, L. D.; Mieczkowski, P. A.; Moyrand, F.; Nielsen, K.; Proux, C.; Rossignol, T.; Schein, J. E.; Sun, S.; Wollschlaeger, C.; Wood, I. A.; Zeng, Q.; Neuveglise, C.; Newlon, C. S.; Perfect, J. R.; Lodge, J. K.; Idnurm, A.; Stajich, J. E.; Kronstad, J. W.; Sanyal, K.; Heitman, J.; Fraser, J. A.; Cuomo, C. A.; Dietrich, F. S.
Approaches for Genetic Discoveries in the Skin Commensal and Pathogenic Malassezia Yeasts 1-gen-2020 Ianiri, Giuseppe; Heitman, J.
Approcci molecolari per la comprensione dei meccanismi genetici della degradazione della patulina da parte dell’agente di biocontrollo Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae ceppo LS11 e da parte del ceppo IAM 13481 di Sporobolomyces sp. 3-mar-2011 Ianiri, Giuseppe
Azole resistance mechanisms in pathogenic M. furfur 1-gen-2021 Leong, Cheryl; Kit, Joel Chan Wai; Lee, Shi Mun; Lam, Yuen In; Goh, Joleen P Z; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Dawson, Thomas L
Biocontrol agents increase the specific rate of patulin production by Penicillium expansum but decrease the disease and total patulin contamination of apples 1-gen-2017 Zheng, Xiangfeng; Yang, Qiya; Zhang, Xiaoyun; Apaliya, Maurice T.; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Zhang, Hongyin; Castoria, Raffaello
CAR gene cluster and transcript levels of carotenogenic genes in Rhodotorula mucilaginosa 1-gen-2018 Landolfo, S.; Ianiri, G.; Camiolo, S.; Porceddu, A.; Mulas, G.; Chessa, R.; Zara, G.; Mannazzu, I.
Complete Genome Sequence of the Biocontrol Agent Yeast Rhodotorula kratochvilovae Strain LS11 1-gen-2018 Miccoli, Cecilia; Palmieri, Davide; DE CURTIS, Filippo; Lima, Giuseppe; Ianiri, Giuseppe; Castoria, Raffaello
Complete Genome Sequence of the Biocontrol Yeast Papiliotrema terrestris Strain LS28 1-gen-2021 Palmieri, Davide; Barone, Giuseppe; Cigliano, Riccardo Aiese; De Curtis, Filippo; Lima, Giuseppe; Castoria, Raffaello; Ianiri, Giuseppe
Critical review of the analytical methods for determining the mycotoxin patulin in food matrices 1-gen-2021 Notardonato, I.; Gianfagna, S.; Castoria, R.; Ianiri, G.; De Curtis, F.; Russo, M. V.; Avino, P.
Development of molecular tools for gene function studies in the biocontrol agent Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae strain LS11. XVIII Convegno Nazionale SIPaV – Sassari, 24-26 settembre 2012 1-gen-2012 Ianiri, Giuseppe; Alexander, Idnurm; Castoria, Raffaello
Development of molecular tools for the yeast Papiliotrema terrestris LS28 and identification of Yap1 as a transcription factor involved in biocontrol activity 1-gen-2021 Castoria, Raffaello; Miccoli, Cecilia; Barone, Giuseppe; Palmieri, Davide; DE CURTIS, Filippo; Lima, Giuseppe; Heitman, Joseph; Ianiri, Giuseppe