"Is this winning”: L’imposizione rituale dell’ordine in The Two Noble Kinsmen
2009-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
"Old Age and Motherhood in April De Angelis’ After Electra"
2017-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
"Our obese imagination": Beauchamp’s Career e la dinamica testo-lettore
2008-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
'The Televisual Representation of Ageing Gay Males: The Case of Vicious'
2018-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Ageing and caring across cultures: the construction of older Italians in Australian Interprofessional Aged-Care Texts
2018-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Deep down in the heart of Molise: Raising Genre Awareness and Enhancing Writing Skills in the ESP classroom
2016-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Disorderly Families. La teatralizzazione dell'incesto da Shakespeare a Ford
2016-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Fostering audience awareness and iterative collaboration for the creation of promotional texts: An online trans-cultural writing project between theory and practice
2018-01-01 Tommaso, Laura; Verzella, Massimo
Laura Tosi, La fiaba letteraria inglese: metamorfosi di un genere
2006-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Le ultime opere di Shakespeare. Da Pericles al caso Cardenio
2009-01-01 Clara, Mucci; Chiara, Magni; Tommaso, Laura
Lola Lemire Tostevin, 'sofia
2007-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Ned Condini, ed. and trans. Ned Condini, ed. and trans. An Anthology of Modern Italian Poetry. In English Translation, with Italian Text.
2011-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Polluting Beauty and Unadulterated Virtue: Images of Feminity in Pericles
2006-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Potential Consciousness and Homology in Lucien Goldman
2006-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Space, Evolution and Function of the House in Jane Eyre
2012-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Tackling Ageism and Promoting Professionalism in EMP Teaching
2016-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Targeting Mature Travelers: Flattery, Nostalgia and Euphemism”.
2015-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
The Construction of Age Identity in an Online Discourse Community: The Case of Boomer Women Speak
2015-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
Wolfgang Goethe, Virginia Woolf e la nascita del Cinema Tedesco
2006-01-01 Tommaso, Laura
‘Th’ receiving earth’: Shakespeare and the Land/Woman Trope
2005-01-01 Tommaso, Laura