FANELLI, Rosa Maria
FANELLI, Rosa Maria
"Similarità e convergenza dei consumi alimentari in Italia. Un'analisi a livello regionale (1973-1997)
2003-01-01 Pilati, L.; Fanelli, Rosa Maria
A agricultura familiar na Itàlia
2015-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
A new classification of European Union regions: A decision support tool for policymakers
2019-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Agricoltura e spazio rurale
2008-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Agritourism farms: a great way to promote local products
2022-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Alcune riflessioni sul ruolo della donna in agricoltura
2013-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Annual food waste per capita as influenced by geographical variations
2019-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria; Romagnoli, Luca
Assessing the convergence of farming systems towards a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in European Union Countries
2023-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Assessing the efficiency of the Italian aquaculture firms
2019-01-01 Forleo, Maria Bonaventura; Romagnoli, Luca; Fanelli, Rosa Maria; Palmieri &, Nadia; DI NOCERA, Angela
Barriers and Drivers Underpinning Newcomers in Agriculture: Evidence from Italian Census Data
2023-01-01 Fanelli, R. M.
Barriers to adopting new technologies within rural small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
2021-01-01 Fanelli, R. M.
Bridging the Gender Gap in the Agricultural Sector: Evidence from European Union Countries
2022-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Changes in the Food-Related Behaviour of Italian Consumers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Colmare il gender gap nel settore agricolo
2022-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria
Customer perceptions of Japanese foods in Italy
2018-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa M.; DI NOCERA, Angela
Customer Satisfaction with Farmhouse Facilities and Its Implications for the Promotion of Agritourism Resources in Italian Municipalities
2020-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria; Romagnoli, Luca
Differences and analogies in the environmental aspects among agricultural sectors of the European Union countries
2020-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria; DI NOCERA, Angela
Domestic food waste, gap in times of crisis
2016-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria; Di Florio, Antonia
Drivers of consumer behaviour and green food attributes
2013-01-01 Di Nocera, A.; Fanelli, Rosa Maria; Forleo, Maria Bonaventura
Examining the relationship between the price, the characteristics and the visitor evaluation of attributes of Italian farmhouses with an educational farm
2019-01-01 Fanelli, Rosa Maria