In recent years, the Constitutional Court has been called to express itself on the problematic tension between the material need for places to be used for the exercise of worship (advanced by various confessional organizations) and the needs for land management (raised by the Regions and Municipalities in carrying out their administrative action). We are faced with the difficult identification of a balance between the constitutional right to a religious building, understood as an autonomous dimension of religious freedom, and the urban planning activity, which is an expression of the discretionary exercise of the functions that are attributable to the public authorities. Taking into account the pluralistic and personalistic inspiration of our Constitution, it is to be evaluated in a positive way the declaration of illegitimacy of some regional regulatory provisions, such as in the recent case of Lombard urban planning legislation, aimed at privileging, in a quantitative and institutionalist logic, the religious needs of urban spaces of the 'majority religion' or of some confessional groups already strongly rooted and widespread, damaging the legitimate expectations of socially minority religious formations. In the line of thought proposed by the Constitutional Court, the local administrations should undertake to allow (at least in principle) all religious movements to participate in the distribution of spaces and public contributions, so as to pursue a constitutionally correct realization of urban planning purposes and to counteract the possible tendencies towards a political selection of a few confessional interlocutors to be benefited with a treatment of privilege
Negli ultimi anni, la Corte costituzionale è stata chiamata ad esprimersi sulla problematica tensione tra l’esigenza materiale di luoghi da destinare all’esercizio del culto (avanzata da diverse organizzazioni confessionali) e le necessità di gestione del territorio (sollevate dalle Regioni e dai Comuni nella realizzazione della loro azione amministrativa). Si è di fronte alla non facile individuazione di un punto di equilibrio tra il diritto costituzionale ad un edificio di culto, inteso come dimensione autonoma della libertà religiosa, e l’attività di pianificazione urbanistica, che è espressione dell’esercizio discrezionale delle funzioni imputabili ai pubblici poteri. Tenuto conto dell’ispirazione pluralista e personalista della nostra Costituzione, è da valutare positivamente la dichiarazione di illegittimità di alcune disposizioni normative regionali, come nel recente caso della legislazione urbanistica lombarda, tese a privilegiare, in una logica quantitativa ed istituzionalista, i bisogni religiosi di spazi urbani della ‘religione di maggioranza’ o di gruppi confessionali già fortemente radicati e diffusi, in danno delle legittime aspettative di formazioni religiose socialmente minoritarie. Nella linea di pensiero proposta dalla Consulta, le amministrazioni locali dovrebbero impegnarsi nel consentire (almeno in linea di principio) a tutti i movimenti religiosi di partecipare alla distribuzione degli spazi e dei contributi pubblici, così da perseguire una costituzionalmente corretta realizzazione delle finalità urbanistiche e da contrastare le possibili tendenze ad una selezione politica di pochi interlocutori confessionali da beneficiare con un trattamento di privilegio.
Edilizia di culto e pianificazione urbanistica al vaglio della Corte costituzionale
Parisi Marco
In recent years, the Constitutional Court has been called to express itself on the problematic tension between the material need for places to be used for the exercise of worship (advanced by various confessional organizations) and the needs for land management (raised by the Regions and Municipalities in carrying out their administrative action). We are faced with the difficult identification of a balance between the constitutional right to a religious building, understood as an autonomous dimension of religious freedom, and the urban planning activity, which is an expression of the discretionary exercise of the functions that are attributable to the public authorities. Taking into account the pluralistic and personalistic inspiration of our Constitution, it is to be evaluated in a positive way the declaration of illegitimacy of some regional regulatory provisions, such as in the recent case of Lombard urban planning legislation, aimed at privileging, in a quantitative and institutionalist logic, the religious needs of urban spaces of the 'majority religion' or of some confessional groups already strongly rooted and widespread, damaging the legitimate expectations of socially minority religious formations. In the line of thought proposed by the Constitutional Court, the local administrations should undertake to allow (at least in principle) all religious movements to participate in the distribution of spaces and public contributions, so as to pursue a constitutionally correct realization of urban planning purposes and to counteract the possible tendencies towards a political selection of a few confessional interlocutors to be benefited with a treatment of privilegeI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.