The coordination system, on which the concordat model and the institute of the agreements are currently based, should theoretically be characterized for being a horizontal model of relations between two subjects endowed with the same juridical dignity and which, therefore, interact, in a perfectly equal and democratic way, in the entire structure of their current and specific relationships. In reality, instead of activating a cooperation aimed at allowing a more effective participation of religious groups in the determination of the values that could be commonly shared in our society, the agreements between the State and the confessional organizations have been used in an instrumental way, with the consequence of giving to the Catholic Church a favorable treatment, if compared to that reserved for other cults. In this way, the approved agreements, although containing particular and original disciplines, did not allow a wider deployment of the freedoms that are enshrined in the fundamental Charter itself. This with serious damage to the need for a real spiritual and confessional pluralism, already significantly impaired by the continuing validity of the fascist legislation on the 'admitted cults in the State'.
Il sistema della coordinazione, su cui sono attualmente fondati il modello concordatario e l’istituto delle intese, dovrebbe teoricamente caratterizzarsi per l'essere un modello orizzontale di relazioni tra due soggetti dotati della stessa dignità giuridica e che, quindi, interloquiscono, in una sede perfettamente paritaria e democratica, dell’intero assetto dei loro attuali e specifici rapporti. In realtà, invece di attivare una cooperazione finalizzata a consentire una più efficace partecipazione dei gruppi religiosi alla determinazione dei valori comunemente condivisi in ambito societario, si è proceduto ad un uso strumentale delle pattuizioni tra lo Stato e le organizzazioni confessionali, con la conseguenza di conferire alla sola Chiesa cattolica un trattamento di favore rispetto agli altri culti. In questo modo, si è fatto ricorso ad accordi che, sia pur prevedendo discipline particolari ed originali, non hanno consentito un più ampio dispiegamento delle libertà sancite dalla stessa Carta fondamentale. Ciò con grave danno per l'esigenza di un reale pluralismo spirituale e confessionale, già significativamente menomato dalla perdurante vigenza della legislazione fascista sui 'culti ammessi nello Stato'.
Crisi o ridefinizione del sistema di coordinazione tra Stato e Chiese nella logica costituzionale di garanzia del pluralismo religioso?
Parisi Marco
The coordination system, on which the concordat model and the institute of the agreements are currently based, should theoretically be characterized for being a horizontal model of relations between two subjects endowed with the same juridical dignity and which, therefore, interact, in a perfectly equal and democratic way, in the entire structure of their current and specific relationships. In reality, instead of activating a cooperation aimed at allowing a more effective participation of religious groups in the determination of the values that could be commonly shared in our society, the agreements between the State and the confessional organizations have been used in an instrumental way, with the consequence of giving to the Catholic Church a favorable treatment, if compared to that reserved for other cults. In this way, the approved agreements, although containing particular and original disciplines, did not allow a wider deployment of the freedoms that are enshrined in the fundamental Charter itself. This with serious damage to the need for a real spiritual and confessional pluralism, already significantly impaired by the continuing validity of the fascist legislation on the 'admitted cults in the State'.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.