The Megalopolis paradigm and territorial restructuring in Italy: a preliminar analysis of internal accessibility. – Could Gottmann’s studies on megalopolis contribute to the reflection on the territorial restructuring of Italy? This article analyses in an historical perspective the megalopolitan paradigm, by reconstructing its main characters, and tries to address the issue of how it could be usefully applied to the analysis of the Italian territory, with a particular focus on its internal connectivity, through an analysis of the accessibility to the main centers by rail. Considering the existing amount of partitions of the national territory (and its relative costs), a wider unit of analysis, such as the megalopolitan scale, could be of use in promoting a more territorially balanced development.
Possono gli studi di Gottmann sulla megalopoli contribuire alla riflessione sul riordino territoriale in Italia? Questo articolo considera storicamente la genesi del paradigma megalopolitano, ricostruendone i principali caratteri, e indica come esso potrebbe essere utilmente applicato al territorio nazionale, allo scopo di migliorarne la connettività interna, attraverso un’analisi dell’accessibilità ferroviaria per i principali centri. Tenuto conto della quantità di compartimentazioni esistenti sul territorio nazionale, l’impiego della scala megalopolitana come unità di analisi potrebbe rivelarsi utile per superare alcuni dei principali squilibri territoriali.
Paradigma megalopolitano e riordino territoriale in Italia
The Megalopolis paradigm and territorial restructuring in Italy: a preliminar analysis of internal accessibility. – Could Gottmann’s studies on megalopolis contribute to the reflection on the territorial restructuring of Italy? This article analyses in an historical perspective the megalopolitan paradigm, by reconstructing its main characters, and tries to address the issue of how it could be usefully applied to the analysis of the Italian territory, with a particular focus on its internal connectivity, through an analysis of the accessibility to the main centers by rail. Considering the existing amount of partitions of the national territory (and its relative costs), a wider unit of analysis, such as the megalopolitan scale, could be of use in promoting a more territorially balanced development.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.