The Constitution provides, clearly, the right of individuals to establish schools and educational establishments, without costs to the State. It relies, in addition, to the ordinary law the responsibility to fix the rights and the obligations of non-State schools which request parity, ensuring them full liberty and providing to their pupils a scholastic treatment equal to that of pupils in State schools. In this framework of general principles, the legislature tried to implement those constitutional principles by means of specific legislation acts (laws Nos. 59/1997, 62/2000, 107/2015), aimed at enhancing school autonomy and regulate the access of private educational institutions at the national education system. Thus, we are in front of a regulatory context (having some uncertainties and criticalities) which should, in theory, allow the fulfillment of the needs, posed by the Islamic community, for the establishment and the management of private schools, freely operating within the framework of constitutional and ordinary legality
La Costituzione sancisce, con chiarezza, il diritto dei privati di istituire scuole e istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato. Essa affida, inoltre, alla legge ordinaria il compito di fissare i diritti e gli obblighi delle scuole non statali che chiedono la parità, assicurando ad esse piena libertà ed ai loro alunni un trattamento scolastico equivalente a quello degli alunni delle scuole statali. In questo quadro di principi generali, si è cercato di dare attuazione ai principi costituzionali a mezzo di appositi provvedimenti legislativi (leggi nn. 59/1997, 62/2000, 107/2015), finalizzati a valorizzare l’autonomia scolastica e a disciplinare l’accesso delle istituzioni educative private al sistema nazionale d’istruzione. Si è, così, di fronte ad un contesto normativo (non privo di incertezze e criticità) che dovrebbe, teoricamente, consentire il soddisfacimento delle esigenze, poste dalle comunità islamiche, di istituzione e di gestione di scuole private, liberamente operanti nella cornice della legalità costituzionale ed ordinaria.
Le scuole private islamiche tra precetti costituzionali ed indirizzi legislativi di diritto comune
The Constitution provides, clearly, the right of individuals to establish schools and educational establishments, without costs to the State. It relies, in addition, to the ordinary law the responsibility to fix the rights and the obligations of non-State schools which request parity, ensuring them full liberty and providing to their pupils a scholastic treatment equal to that of pupils in State schools. In this framework of general principles, the legislature tried to implement those constitutional principles by means of specific legislation acts (laws Nos. 59/1997, 62/2000, 107/2015), aimed at enhancing school autonomy and regulate the access of private educational institutions at the national education system. Thus, we are in front of a regulatory context (having some uncertainties and criticalities) which should, in theory, allow the fulfillment of the needs, posed by the Islamic community, for the establishment and the management of private schools, freely operating within the framework of constitutional and ordinary legalityI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.