At the end of a frantic legislative affair, marked by many controversies and strong criticisms, the art. 633-bis was introduced into the penal code, with the declared aim of countering the phenomenon of rave parties. The current crime partially takes into account the critical remarks that had been raised against its original version, but there are still many open problems. The tendential superfluity of the crime and its disproportionate sanctions highlight the prevalence of the symbolic contents over the pre-dictable effectiveness and concrete applicability. In particular, many constituent elements of the crime appear to be difficult to manage in terms of in court evidence and in some cases the descriptive imprecision will in any case require, if there is an opportunity to do so, a substantial interpretative effort.
Al termine di una convulsa vicenda legislativa, segnata da molte polemiche e forti critiche, è stato intro-dotto nel codice penale l’art. 633-bis, con il dichiarato scopo di contrastare il fenomeno dei rave party. L’attuale incriminazione tiene parzialmente conto dei rilievi critici che erano stati mossi nei confronti della sua originaria versione, ma sono molti i problemi ancora aperti. La tendenziale superfluità della norma e la sua sproporzione sanzionatoria evidenziano la prevalenza dei contenuti simbolici sulla prevedibile ef-ficacia e concreta applicabilità. In particolare, molti elementi costituivi della fattispecie appaiono di difficile gestione sul piano probatorio e in alcuni casi la imprecisione descrittiva richiederà comunque, se ci sarà occasione di farlo, un consistente impegno interpretativo.
Stefano Fiore
At the end of a frantic legislative affair, marked by many controversies and strong criticisms, the art. 633-bis was introduced into the penal code, with the declared aim of countering the phenomenon of rave parties. The current crime partially takes into account the critical remarks that had been raised against its original version, but there are still many open problems. The tendential superfluity of the crime and its disproportionate sanctions highlight the prevalence of the symbolic contents over the pre-dictable effectiveness and concrete applicability. In particular, many constituent elements of the crime appear to be difficult to manage in terms of in court evidence and in some cases the descriptive imprecision will in any case require, if there is an opportunity to do so, a substantial interpretative effort.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.