Biochar is a fertilizer produced by pyrolysis of plant or animal biomass, applied to the soil for its agricultural and environmental potential. In recent years, it has been oject of a great interest in scientific research for its potential as a green technology to subtract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition, thanks to its high surface and porosity, this product has an added value to improve soil characteristics and consequently to increase the growth and development of many species of plants of agronomic interest. This property is due to its amorphous structure with fused aromatic rings, not subjected to degradation. However, it is well known that the effects of biochar on soil and plants can be very variable, in some cases negative, since both soil and biochar chemical physico-physical properties have a significant effect on the interaction between them and their biotic components. Despite the increasing amount of works on the biochar effects on soil and the agronomic yields of many plant species, the interactions between biochar and biotic and abiotic rhizosphere components are little studied yet. Starting from these assumptions, the work of this PhD thesis was aimed at studying the effects of only one type of biochar on the biotic and abiotic component of rhizosphere, considering soils with different physical chemical characteristics, under controlled conditions and in open field, in order to outline a possible mechanism of action on the soil-plant system, through the radical and extraradical apparatus. In field trial, soils of vines, olives and fodder cultivation treated with biochar doses of 10 t ha-1 were taken into consideration, and analyzed at different time course. The study on the effects of biochar on rhizosphere of vineyard consisted of the analysis of mycorrhizas growth and the seasonal variation of the radical biomass, calculating the annual production and the radical turnover. The results obtained from this study showed, as a short-term biochar effects on this soil, a significant increase in organic carbon, macroaggregates, available water, ammonia nitrogen, microbial abundance, biomass and diameter of fine roots. In the soil of the olive grove and the foragger characterized by a higher carbon content compared to the soil of the vineyard, it was oserved, following biochar treatment, a significant increase in Corg and CSC. By microbiological analyses it resulted an increase in aerobic bacteria wich, on the base of results of enzymatic analyzes, are referable to particular species involved in plant protection in the case of olive groves; instead an increase in mycetes in the soil of fodder was observed. For greenhouse trials, the effects of biochar on the rhizosphere of three different cultures (lettuce, tomatoes, poplars) grown on soils defined poor or rich on the base of their different nutrient content. The results on the lettuce rhizosphere surveys showed that two months after treatment, biochar induced an increase in total N, P, C and in composition of the microbial communities related to these three elements cycles in poor tested soil, whereas they decreased in rich soil. On poor tomato soil, after four months of incubation, on the soil treated with biochar, increments in conductivity, Ptot, Corg, and aggregates were observed; in rich soil, characterized by sandy loam texture, strongly acid pH and high conductivity, after biochar treatment, a considerable increase in pH, available phosphorus and macro aggregates was obtained. Microbiological analyses showed a preferential colonization by aerobic bacteria of poor soil, followed by rich soil treated with biochar, untreated rich soil and finally poor biochar treated soil. The same trend was observed in relation to the microbial composition. Regarding the radical mass, no differences were found between the two soil and their biochar treatments. Poor poplar soil, sandy clay loam textured, susceptible to nutrient leaching and rapid degradation of organic carbon, the addition of biochar caused, after a year, an increase in Ntot, Ptot, CSC and a decrease in the larger granulometric fraction. The same soil, fertilized with compost, showed better chemical characteristics: the content of Corg, Ntot and Ptot were satisfactory, medium and well-equipped, respectively. After adding biochar,it was observed a further increase in Ntot and Ptot, a decrease in granulometric fraction greater than 2 mm and in conductivity. However, the magnitude of such variations was not such as to alter the agronomic evaluation of this soil. By results on radical biomass, there were no significant differences either between the two types of untreated soil, nor between the same soils and the respective treatments with biochar. It can therefore be concluded that the same type of biochar may have positive, negative or neutral effects depending on the characteristics of the soil, the doses, the times of permanence and the type of crops cultivated.
Il biochar è un ammendante prodotto dalla pirolisi di biomasse vegetali o animali, applicato al terreno per le sue potenzialità in campo agricolo e ambientale. Negli ultimi anni esso è stato oggetto di notevole interesse da parte della ricerca scientifica per la sua potenzialità, come tecnologia verde, di sottrarre anidride carbonica all’atmosfera. Tale proprietà è dovuta alla sua struttura amorfa, ad anelli aromatici fusi, poco soggetta alla degradazione. Inoltre, come ampiamente dimostrato nei lavori presenti in letteratura scientifica, grazie ad altre caratteristiche, quali l’elevata estensione superficiale e la porosità, tale prodotto è risultato avere un valore aggiunto per la sua capacità di migliorare le caratteristiche del terreno e di conseguenza incrementare la crescita e lo sviluppo di molte specie di piante di interesse agronomico. Tuttavia è noto che gli effetti del biochar sul terreno e sulle piante possono essere molto variabili, in alcuni casi negativi, poiché sia le proprietà chimico-fisiche del terreno che quelle del biochar influiscono notevolmente sul modo di interagire tra loro e con le relative componenti biotiche. Nonostante la crescente mole di lavori sugli effetti del biochar sul terreno e sulle rese agronomiche di molte specie di piante, ancora poco studiate sono le interazioni tra biochar e componente biotica e abiotica della rizosfera. Partendo da questi presupposti il lavoro di questa tesi di dottorato ha avuto l’obiettivo di studiare gli effetti di una sola tipologia di biochar sulla componente biotica e abiotica della rizosfera, considerando terreni con diverse caratteristiche chimico fisiche, in condizioni controllate e in campo, al fine di delinearne un possibile meccanismo di azione sul sistema suolo-pianta, attraverso l’apparato radicale ed extraradicale. Nella sperimentazione in campo sono stati presi in considerazione i terreni relativi alla coltura di vite, olivo e foraggio, trattati con dosi di biochar di 10 t ha-1 e, analizzati a diversi intervalli temporali. Nel suolo terreno della vite lo studio degli effetti del biochar sulla rizosfera, ha previsto l’analisi della crescita delle micorrize e della variazione stagionale della biomassa radicale, calcolando la produzione annuale e il turnover radicale. I risultati ottenuti da questo studio hanno evidenziato che il trattamento di biochar a breve termine induce nella rizosfera della vite un considerevole incremento di carbonio organico, di macroaggregati, di acqua disponibile, di azoto ammoniacale, di abbondanza microbica e di biomassa e diametro delle radici fini. Nei suoli dell’oliveto e della foraggera, caratterizzati da un più elevato contenuto di carbonio rispetto alla vite, si è osservato, a seguito del trattamento con biochar un aumento significativo di Corg e CSC. Dalle analisi microbiologiche, invece, è emerso un aumento di batteri aerobi riconducibili, in base ai risultati delle analisi enzimatiche, a specie impegnate nella difesa della pianta nel caso dell’oliveto e un incremento di miceti nel terreno della foraggera. Per quanto riguarda la sperimentazione in serra, sono stati valutati gli effetti del biochar sulla rizosfera di tre diverse colture (lattuga, pomodor, pioppo) allevate su un terreno a scarso contenuto di Corg e nutrienti ed un terreno ricco. I risultati delle indagini sulla rizosfera della lattuga, hanno mostrato che a distanza di due mesi dal trattamento, il biochar induce, sul terreno povero, un incremento di N e P totale e di Ctot e un incremento della composizione delle comunità microbiche correlate al ciclo di tali tre elementi. Nel terreno più ricco, invece, in seguito all’aggiunta di biochar sono state osservate solo variazioni negative in relazione alle attività enzimatiche delle specie microbiche correlate al ciclo dei nutrienti. Sul terreno povero del pomodoro, dopo quattro mesi di permanenza del biochar, sono stati osservati, incrementi di conducibilità, Ptot, Corg, e di aggregati; nel terreno ricco, invece, dalla tessitura sabbiosa limosa, pH fortemente acido e conducibilità elevata, dopo il trattamento del biochar si è osservato un incremento considerevole di pH, fosforo assimilabile e macroaggregati. Dalle analisi microbiologiche si è osservata una colonizzazione preferenziale da parte dei batteri aerobi, del terreno povero, seguito dal terreno ricco trattato con biochar ed infine dal terreno ricco non trattato e da quello povero trattato con biochar. Lo stesso andamento si è osservato in relazione alla composizione microbica. Per quanto riguarda la massa radicale, non sono state rilevate differenze tra i due terreni e i rispettivi trattamenti con biochar. Per quanto riguarda il terreno povero del pioppo, a tessitura grossolana, suscettibile di lisciviazione dei nutrienti e rapida degradazione del carbonio organico, l’aggiunta di biochar ha provocato, a distanza di un anno, l’incremento di Ntot , Ptot, CSC e un decremento della frazione granulometrica di dimensioni maggiori. Lo stesso terreno, fertilizzato con compost, presenta caratteristiche chimico fisiche migliori: la tessitura è risultata sabbiosa-argillosa-limosa e il contenuto di Corg, Ntot e Ptot soddisfacente, medio e ben dotato, rispettivamente. Dopo l’aggiunta di biochar si nota un ulteriore incremento di Ntot e Ptot , un decremento della frazione granulometrica di dimensioni superiori a 2 mm e della conducibilità; tuttavia l’entità di tali variazioni non è tale da modificare la valutazione agronomica di tale terreno. Dai risultati relativi alla biomassa radicale, non sono emerse differenze significative né tra le due tipologie di terreno non trattate, nè tra le stesse ed i rispettivi trattamenti. Si può pertanto concludere che la stessa tipologia di biochar può avere effetti positivi, negativi o neutri a seconda delle caratteristiche del suolo ammendato, delle dosi e dei tempi di permanenza e della tipologia di piante coltivate.
Effetti del biochar sulla rizosfera
Biochar is a fertilizer produced by pyrolysis of plant or animal biomass, applied to the soil for its agricultural and environmental potential. In recent years, it has been oject of a great interest in scientific research for its potential as a green technology to subtract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition, thanks to its high surface and porosity, this product has an added value to improve soil characteristics and consequently to increase the growth and development of many species of plants of agronomic interest. This property is due to its amorphous structure with fused aromatic rings, not subjected to degradation. However, it is well known that the effects of biochar on soil and plants can be very variable, in some cases negative, since both soil and biochar chemical physico-physical properties have a significant effect on the interaction between them and their biotic components. Despite the increasing amount of works on the biochar effects on soil and the agronomic yields of many plant species, the interactions between biochar and biotic and abiotic rhizosphere components are little studied yet. Starting from these assumptions, the work of this PhD thesis was aimed at studying the effects of only one type of biochar on the biotic and abiotic component of rhizosphere, considering soils with different physical chemical characteristics, under controlled conditions and in open field, in order to outline a possible mechanism of action on the soil-plant system, through the radical and extraradical apparatus. In field trial, soils of vines, olives and fodder cultivation treated with biochar doses of 10 t ha-1 were taken into consideration, and analyzed at different time course. The study on the effects of biochar on rhizosphere of vineyard consisted of the analysis of mycorrhizas growth and the seasonal variation of the radical biomass, calculating the annual production and the radical turnover. The results obtained from this study showed, as a short-term biochar effects on this soil, a significant increase in organic carbon, macroaggregates, available water, ammonia nitrogen, microbial abundance, biomass and diameter of fine roots. In the soil of the olive grove and the foragger characterized by a higher carbon content compared to the soil of the vineyard, it was oserved, following biochar treatment, a significant increase in Corg and CSC. By microbiological analyses it resulted an increase in aerobic bacteria wich, on the base of results of enzymatic analyzes, are referable to particular species involved in plant protection in the case of olive groves; instead an increase in mycetes in the soil of fodder was observed. For greenhouse trials, the effects of biochar on the rhizosphere of three different cultures (lettuce, tomatoes, poplars) grown on soils defined poor or rich on the base of their different nutrient content. The results on the lettuce rhizosphere surveys showed that two months after treatment, biochar induced an increase in total N, P, C and in composition of the microbial communities related to these three elements cycles in poor tested soil, whereas they decreased in rich soil. On poor tomato soil, after four months of incubation, on the soil treated with biochar, increments in conductivity, Ptot, Corg, and aggregates were observed; in rich soil, characterized by sandy loam texture, strongly acid pH and high conductivity, after biochar treatment, a considerable increase in pH, available phosphorus and macro aggregates was obtained. Microbiological analyses showed a preferential colonization by aerobic bacteria of poor soil, followed by rich soil treated with biochar, untreated rich soil and finally poor biochar treated soil. The same trend was observed in relation to the microbial composition. Regarding the radical mass, no differences were found between the two soil and their biochar treatments. Poor poplar soil, sandy clay loam textured, susceptible to nutrient leaching and rapid degradation of organic carbon, the addition of biochar caused, after a year, an increase in Ntot, Ptot, CSC and a decrease in the larger granulometric fraction. The same soil, fertilized with compost, showed better chemical characteristics: the content of Corg, Ntot and Ptot were satisfactory, medium and well-equipped, respectively. After adding biochar,it was observed a further increase in Ntot and Ptot, a decrease in granulometric fraction greater than 2 mm and in conductivity. However, the magnitude of such variations was not such as to alter the agronomic evaluation of this soil. By results on radical biomass, there were no significant differences either between the two types of untreated soil, nor between the same soils and the respective treatments with biochar. It can therefore be concluded that the same type of biochar may have positive, negative or neutral effects depending on the characteristics of the soil, the doses, the times of permanence and the type of crops cultivated.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.