The present research concerns the study of the quaternary evolution of some intermountain basins located along the western side of the Matese Mountains (central-southern Apennine). The main aim of the study is to increase the degree of knowledge on the morpho-stratigraphic and morpho-evolutive setting of the investigated sector since the Middle Pleistocene. Furthermore, the study was aimed to produce enough new geological data for the management and planning of the territory, especially from the point of view of the seismic risk prevention. The Sannio-Matese is an area of high seismic hazard that has been affected by many earthquakes, often destructives. Most of these earthquakes are associated with the activity of some faults that border the studied intermountain basins and, in some cases, could be considered still active. Although in recent years more attention has been paid to the study and the location of active faults and to their correlation with the main seismic sequences and regional tectonics, there are still many open problems on the timing and the role played by tectonic in the morpho-stratigraphic evolution of this sector of the central-southern Apennines, especially for the western sector of the Matese Mountains. For this reasons, the attention has been focused on four intermountain basins of the western sector of the Matese Mountains, which are the Venafro basin, the Alife plain, the Telese plain and the lower Calore River valley. For these areas, the study was based on a multidisciplinary geomorphologic, stratigraphic and structural approach, integrated with laboratory analysis on tephra layers and travertines. The data produced allowed to understand the morpho-stratigraphic setting of the four basins and to identify the main quaternary faults, defining a morpho-evolutive framework of this sector of the chain. In addition, they have shown that, according to the morpho-evolution of the main intermountain basins located in north-eastern sector on the Matese Mts. (Isernia, Sessano, Carpino, Boiano and Sepino), tectonic have been played a key role in the genesis and the evolution of the intermountain basins of the south-western sector of the Matese, allowing the accumulation of hundreds of meters of lacustrine to fluvial-marshy deposits in the basin floors. The genesis and the early stages of evolution of the intermountain basins of he Matese could be referred to the Lower Pleistocene transtensional tectonic and their further evolution to the Middle Pleistocene extensional regime. Most evidences of tectonic activity have been observed in the alluvial plain deposits and especially along the slopes of the Matese and Camposauro Mts., where some faults affect the slope deposits of the Lower Pleistocene and the first two generations of alluvial fan deposits constrained to the Middle-Upper Pleistocene by tephra layers belongings to the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (15 ka), the Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka) and other ancient pyroclastic deposits of the Roccamonfina (BLT 350 ka; WTT 331 ka) and Campanian Volcanic Zone (ca. 130-105 ka). Although the data produced highlight that in the study area the tectonic has been active from the Lower to the Upper Pleistocene, at least, it can not be excluded that some of the detected faults could be still active; in fact, considering the historical seismicity of the area, testified by the occurrence of medium and high magnitude earthquakes, extensional tectonics may be considered still active, though with a minor intensity.
La presente ricerca riguarda lo studio dell’evoluzione quaternaria di alcune conche intermontane ubicate lungo il versante occidentale del Matese (Appennino centro-meridionale). Tale studio è finalizzato ad approfondire il quadro delle conoscenze di carattere morfo-stratigrafico e morfo-evolutivo del settore di catena investigato, attraverso approfondimenti mirati in aree per le quali gli studi sono ancora poco numerosi, e produrre informazioni di base utilizzabili nella gestione e pianificazione del territorio, soprattutto dal punto di vista della prevenzione del rischio sismico. L’area del Sannio-Matese è un settore ad elevata pericolosità sismica che è da sempre sede di numerosi terremoti spesso anche distruttivi. La maggior parte dei terremoti è associata all’attività delle faglie che bordano i bacini intermontani, alcune delle quali possono essere considerate ancora attive. Tuttavia, sebbene negli ultimi anni sia stata rivolta maggiore attenzione allo studio e all’ubicazione delle faglie attive e alla loro correlazione con le principali sequenze sismiche e con la tettonica regionale, risultano ancora numerose questioni aperte circa il timing e il ruolo esercitato dalla tettonica nell’evoluzione morfostratigrafica di questo settore dell’Appennino centro-meridionale, soprattutto per il settore occidentale del Matese. Per tale ragione, si è scelto di concentrare l’attenzione su quattro bacini intermontani del settore occidentale del Matese, che sono il bacino di Venafro, la Piana di Alife, la Piana di Telese e la bassa valle del Fiume Calore. Per tali aree lo studio condotto si è basato su un approccio multidisciplinare di carattere geomorfologico, stratigrafico e strutturale, che è stato integrato con analisi di laboratorio su livelli di tefra e di travertini. I dati prodotti hanno consentito di comprendere l’assetto morfostratigrafico delle quattro aree di studio e di identificare le principali faglie quaternarie, definendo un quadro morfo-evolutivo di questo settore della catena. Inoltre, essi hanno dimostrato che, in accordo con la storia morfo-evolutiva delle principali conche intermontane situate nel settore nord-orientale del Matese (Isernia, Sessano, Carpino, Boiano e Sepino), la tettonica ha svoluto un ruolo dominante anche nella genesi e nell’evoluzione dei bacini del settore sud-occidentale, favorendo la deposizione di centinaia di spesse successioni lacustri e fluvio-palustri. La genesi e le prime fasi evolutive dei bacini intermontani del Matese può essere attribuita alla tettonica trastensionale del Pleistocene inferiore e le successive fasi evolutive al regime estensionale del Pleistocene medio. Evidenze di tettonica sono state osservate nei depositi delle piane alluvionali e soprattutto lungo i versanti del Matese e del Camposauro, dove alcune faglie interessano i depositi di versante del Pleistocene inferiore e quelli di conoide appartenenti alla 1° e 2° generazione, vincolati al Pleistocene medio-superiore da livelli di tefra in esse intercalati attribuiti al Tufo Giallo Napoletano (15 ka), all’Ignimbrite Campana (39 ka) e ad altri depositi piroclastici più antichi del Roccamonfina (BLT 350 ka; WTT 331 ka) e della Provincia Vulcanica Campana (ca. 130-105 ka). Sebbene i dati prodotti evidenziano che la tettonica è stata attiva in questo settore del Matese a partire dal Pleistocene inferiore fino almeno al Pleistocene superiore, non si può tuttavia escludere che alcune delle faglie individuate possano ritenersi ancora attive; infatti, considerata la sismicità storica di quest’area, testimoniata dall’occorrenza di terremoti di media ed elevata magnitudo, la tettonica estensionale può essere ritenuta ancora attiva, anche se con una intensità minore.
Studio dell'evoluzione quaternaria di alcune conche intermontane dell'Appennino campano-molisano, a supporto della pianificazione e gestione del territorio e della prevenzione del rischio sismico
LEONE, Natalia
The present research concerns the study of the quaternary evolution of some intermountain basins located along the western side of the Matese Mountains (central-southern Apennine). The main aim of the study is to increase the degree of knowledge on the morpho-stratigraphic and morpho-evolutive setting of the investigated sector since the Middle Pleistocene. Furthermore, the study was aimed to produce enough new geological data for the management and planning of the territory, especially from the point of view of the seismic risk prevention. The Sannio-Matese is an area of high seismic hazard that has been affected by many earthquakes, often destructives. Most of these earthquakes are associated with the activity of some faults that border the studied intermountain basins and, in some cases, could be considered still active. Although in recent years more attention has been paid to the study and the location of active faults and to their correlation with the main seismic sequences and regional tectonics, there are still many open problems on the timing and the role played by tectonic in the morpho-stratigraphic evolution of this sector of the central-southern Apennines, especially for the western sector of the Matese Mountains. For this reasons, the attention has been focused on four intermountain basins of the western sector of the Matese Mountains, which are the Venafro basin, the Alife plain, the Telese plain and the lower Calore River valley. For these areas, the study was based on a multidisciplinary geomorphologic, stratigraphic and structural approach, integrated with laboratory analysis on tephra layers and travertines. The data produced allowed to understand the morpho-stratigraphic setting of the four basins and to identify the main quaternary faults, defining a morpho-evolutive framework of this sector of the chain. In addition, they have shown that, according to the morpho-evolution of the main intermountain basins located in north-eastern sector on the Matese Mts. (Isernia, Sessano, Carpino, Boiano and Sepino), tectonic have been played a key role in the genesis and the evolution of the intermountain basins of the south-western sector of the Matese, allowing the accumulation of hundreds of meters of lacustrine to fluvial-marshy deposits in the basin floors. The genesis and the early stages of evolution of the intermountain basins of he Matese could be referred to the Lower Pleistocene transtensional tectonic and their further evolution to the Middle Pleistocene extensional regime. Most evidences of tectonic activity have been observed in the alluvial plain deposits and especially along the slopes of the Matese and Camposauro Mts., where some faults affect the slope deposits of the Lower Pleistocene and the first two generations of alluvial fan deposits constrained to the Middle-Upper Pleistocene by tephra layers belongings to the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (15 ka), the Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka) and other ancient pyroclastic deposits of the Roccamonfina (BLT 350 ka; WTT 331 ka) and Campanian Volcanic Zone (ca. 130-105 ka). Although the data produced highlight that in the study area the tectonic has been active from the Lower to the Upper Pleistocene, at least, it can not be excluded that some of the detected faults could be still active; in fact, considering the historical seismicity of the area, testified by the occurrence of medium and high magnitude earthquakes, extensional tectonics may be considered still active, though with a minor intensity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 23/11/2018
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