This doctoral thesis has focused on the study of microplastics in food matrices, aiming at the development of an analytical methodology appropriate to their determination. In addition, the contribution of food packaging has been investigated in this thesis. The occurrence of microplastics in food products has becoming a topic of interest, especially in the last decades. However, even though several scientific publications have focused on such issue, standardisation of analytical approaches are still hampered by technological limitations. Firstly, sample preparation of foods prior to microplastic’s analysis differs significantly among studies, hampering the comparability of the results. For this reason, sample pre-treatments of the most consumed food stuffs, details like pasta, red meat, fish fillet and cheese, have been investigated. Based on the scientific literature, the most used digestion agents have been tested both at room temperature and at 50 °C. Higher temperature (e.g., 60, 70 °C) were not tested, as 60 °C is the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the most polymers. Therefore, for each matrix, both alkaline, oxidising and acidic approaches were tested, using potassium hydroxide (KOH) aqueous solution (concentration tested 1 and 5 mol L-1), hydrogen peroxide (30 %, H2O2), Fenton’s reagent, and nitric acid (65 %, HNO3). Time for digestion varied among matrices. Our results showed that red meat was successfully digested in 24 h at room temperature using KOH 5 mol L-1, whereas fish fillet and cheese required 48 h at 50 ° using KOH 5 mol L-1. Pasta showed the highest organic matter removal using Fenton’s reagent. Therefore, for each matrix, percentage digestion efficiency was established. The most suitable methodology for each matrix was therefore applied for the recovering of microplastics, where percentage recovery rate > 95 % were considered as satisfactory. The investigation of scientific literature highlighted the relevant bias deriving from the quantification of microplastics by visual observations. Visual observations were used in this thesis for quantifying added to food samples before the chemical treatments. Even though results obtained were acceptable (recovery rate > 95 %), on the other hand, quantification using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with a propylitic injection (Py-GC-MS) were investigated. Therefore, to this purpose, solubilisation of most common polymer into organic solvents was investigated, using the Hansen Solubility Parameter theory to select the experimental tests. Such approach was necessary for the construction of calibration curves for polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate using the Py-GC-MS. Results from experimental tests showed that organic solvents used for the dissolution of polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate were dichloromethane: toluene mixture and hexafluoro- 2-propanol, respectively, which determined the complete solubilisation of polymers, visually assessed. For the calibration curves construction, pyrolysis temperatures were tested and optimised for both polymers and pyrolysis products were investigated for both. Precisely, for polystyrene, a good linearity in the signal was observed both for Methyl-styrene and styrene (where the second one is quite commonly used as pyrolysis product of polystyrene), whereas for polyethylene terephthalate, benzophenone was identified with a good linearity in the response. However, chemical investigation allows to suggest benzaldehyde and acetophenone as pyrolysis products of polyethylene terephthalate. Another important issue investigated in this Ph.D. thesis was the contribution of packing in microplastic’s releasing. Precisely, during and after the Sars-CoV-19 pandemic, the demand of take away food has significantly increased. Therefore, some plastic packaging for take away foods were tested. The methodologies developed took into account three types of foods (i.e., non-acid and non- broth food, acid food, broth food), by using MilliQ water to avoid external contamination during the analysis. Visual observations were used to determine the number of microparticles present on filters; some of them were then analysed using the micro-Raman (µ-Raman) spectrometry, for detecting smaller microplastics (< 20 µm). It is important to underlined that, during the Ph.D. course, an in-depth study on the potential impact of microplastics on humans has been conducted, investigating the main pathways which could determine the accumulation of microplastics into human’s body. What emerged is that, up to now, evidences about the accumulation (considered as a process that provides for an internalization of microplastics in the cell system) have been not provided yet. Such phenomenon seems to be more biologically plausible for the nanoscale rather than for the micro. Further investigation will be carried out for understanding the behaviour of microplastics in human organisms.
Questa tesi di dottorato si è focalizzata sullo studio delle microplastiche nelle matrici alimentari, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare una metodologia analitica adeguata alla loro determinazione. Inoltre, in questa tesi è stato analizzato il contributo del packaging alimentare in termini di rilascio di microplastiche. La presenza di microplastiche nei prodotti alimentari è diventata un argomento di interesse, soprattutto negli ultimi decenni. Tuttavia, anche se diverse pubblicazioni scientifiche si sono concentrate su questo tema, la standardizzazione degli approcci analitici è ancora ostacolata da limitazioni tecnologiche. In primo luogo, la preparazione dei campioni di alimenti prima dell'analisi delle microplastiche varia significativamente da uno studio all'altro, ostacolando la comparabilità dei risultati. Per questo motivo, sono stati studiati i pretrattamenti dei campioni degli alimenti più consumati, come pasta, carne rossa, filetti di pesce e formaggio. Sulla base della letteratura scientifica, gli agenti di digestione più utilizzati sono stati testati sia a temperatura ambiente che a 50 °C. Non sono state testate temperature più elevate (ad esempio, 60 e 70 °C), poiché 60 °C è la temperatura di transizione vetrosa (Tg) della maggior parte dei polimeri. Pertanto, per ciascuna matrice, sono stati testati approcci alcalini, ossidanti e acidi, utilizzando la soluzione acquosa di idrossido di potassio (KOH) (concentrazione testata 1 e 5 mol L-1), il perossido di idrogeno (30 %, H2O2), il reagente di Fenton e l'acido nitrico (65 %, HNO3). Il tempo di digestione variava a seconda delle matrici. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che la carne rossa è stata digerita con successo in 24 ore a temperatura ambiente utilizzando KOH 5 mol L-1, mentre il filetto di pesce e il formaggio hanno richiesto 48 ore a 50° utilizzando KOH 5 mol L-1. La pasta ha mostrato la più alta rimozione di materia organica utilizzando il reagente di Fenton. Pertanto, per ogni matrice è stata stabilita l'efficienza di digestione percentuale. Per il recupero delle microplastiche è stata quindi applicata la metodologia più osservazioni visive. In questa tesi sono state utilizzate le osservazioni visive per quantificare le microplastiche aggiunte ai campioni di alimenti prima dei trattamenti chimici. Anche se i risultati ottenuti sono stati accettabili (tasso di recupero > 95 %), d'altra parte è stata studiata la quantificazione mediante gascromatografia-spettrometria di massa con iniezione mediante pirolisi (Py-GC-MS). A tal fine, è stata studiata la solubilizzazione dei polimeri più comuni in solventi organici, utilizzando la teoria dei parametri di solubilità di Hansen per selezionare i test sperimentali da svolgere. Tale approccio è stato necessario per la costruzione di curve di calibrazione per il polistirene e il polietilene tereftalato utilizzando il Py-GC-MS. I risultati hanno mostrato che i solventi organici utilizzati per la dissoluzione del polistirene e del polietilene tereftalato sono stati rispettivamente una miscela di diclorometano: toluene ed esafluoro-2-propanolo, che hanno determinato la completa solubilizzazione dei polimeri, valutata visivamente. Per la costruzione delle curve di calibrazione, sono state testate e ottimizzate le temperature di pirolisi per entrambi i polimeri e sono stati analizzati i prodotti di pirolisi per entrambi. In particolare, per il polistirene è stata osservata una buona linearità del segnale sia per il metil-stirene che per lo stirene (dove il secondo è abbastanza comunemente usato come prodotto di pirolisi del polistirene), mentre per il polietilene tereftalato è stato identificato il benzofenone, che ha mostrato una buona linearità di risposta. Tuttavia, l'indagine chimica permette di suggerire la benzaldeide e l'acetofenone come prodotti di pirolisi del polietilene tereftalato. Un altro tema importante indagato in questa tesi di dottorato è stato il contributo dell'imballaggio nel rilascio di microplastiche. In particolare, durante e dopo la pandemia di Sars- CoV-19, la domanda di cibo da asporto è aumentata in modo significativo. Pertanto, sono stati analizzati alcuni imballaggi in plastica per alimenti da asporto. Le metodologie sviluppate hanno preso in considerazione tre tipi di alimenti (alimenti non acidi e non caldi, alimenti acidi e alimenti caldi), utilizzando acqua MilliQ per evitare contaminazioni esterne durante l'analisi. Le osservazioni visive sono state utilizzate per determinare il numero di microparticelle presenti sui filtri; alcune di esse sono state poi analizzate con la spettrometria micro-Raman (µ-Raman), per individuare le microplastiche più piccole (< 20 µm). È importante sottolineare che, durante il corso di dottorato, è stato condotto uno studio approfondito sul potenziale impatto delle microplastiche sull'uomo, indagando le principali vie che potrebbero determinare l'accumulo di microplastiche nell'organismo umano. Ciò che è emerso è che, ad oggi, non sono ancora state fornite evidenze sull'accumulo (considerato come un processo che prevede l'internalizzazione delle microplastiche nel sistema cellulare). Tale fenomeno sembra essere biologicamente più plausibile per la scala nanometrica piuttosto che per la micro-scala. Ulteriori indagini saranno condotte per comprendere il comportamento delle microplastiche negli organismi umani.
Microplastics characterisation in different foods matrices and related implication in human health
This doctoral thesis has focused on the study of microplastics in food matrices, aiming at the development of an analytical methodology appropriate to their determination. In addition, the contribution of food packaging has been investigated in this thesis. The occurrence of microplastics in food products has becoming a topic of interest, especially in the last decades. However, even though several scientific publications have focused on such issue, standardisation of analytical approaches are still hampered by technological limitations. Firstly, sample preparation of foods prior to microplastic’s analysis differs significantly among studies, hampering the comparability of the results. For this reason, sample pre-treatments of the most consumed food stuffs, details like pasta, red meat, fish fillet and cheese, have been investigated. Based on the scientific literature, the most used digestion agents have been tested both at room temperature and at 50 °C. Higher temperature (e.g., 60, 70 °C) were not tested, as 60 °C is the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the most polymers. Therefore, for each matrix, both alkaline, oxidising and acidic approaches were tested, using potassium hydroxide (KOH) aqueous solution (concentration tested 1 and 5 mol L-1), hydrogen peroxide (30 %, H2O2), Fenton’s reagent, and nitric acid (65 %, HNO3). Time for digestion varied among matrices. Our results showed that red meat was successfully digested in 24 h at room temperature using KOH 5 mol L-1, whereas fish fillet and cheese required 48 h at 50 ° using KOH 5 mol L-1. Pasta showed the highest organic matter removal using Fenton’s reagent. Therefore, for each matrix, percentage digestion efficiency was established. The most suitable methodology for each matrix was therefore applied for the recovering of microplastics, where percentage recovery rate > 95 % were considered as satisfactory. The investigation of scientific literature highlighted the relevant bias deriving from the quantification of microplastics by visual observations. Visual observations were used in this thesis for quantifying added to food samples before the chemical treatments. Even though results obtained were acceptable (recovery rate > 95 %), on the other hand, quantification using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with a propylitic injection (Py-GC-MS) were investigated. Therefore, to this purpose, solubilisation of most common polymer into organic solvents was investigated, using the Hansen Solubility Parameter theory to select the experimental tests. Such approach was necessary for the construction of calibration curves for polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate using the Py-GC-MS. Results from experimental tests showed that organic solvents used for the dissolution of polystyrene and polyethylene terephthalate were dichloromethane: toluene mixture and hexafluoro- 2-propanol, respectively, which determined the complete solubilisation of polymers, visually assessed. For the calibration curves construction, pyrolysis temperatures were tested and optimised for both polymers and pyrolysis products were investigated for both. Precisely, for polystyrene, a good linearity in the signal was observed both for Methyl-styrene and styrene (where the second one is quite commonly used as pyrolysis product of polystyrene), whereas for polyethylene terephthalate, benzophenone was identified with a good linearity in the response. However, chemical investigation allows to suggest benzaldehyde and acetophenone as pyrolysis products of polyethylene terephthalate. Another important issue investigated in this Ph.D. thesis was the contribution of packing in microplastic’s releasing. Precisely, during and after the Sars-CoV-19 pandemic, the demand of take away food has significantly increased. Therefore, some plastic packaging for take away foods were tested. The methodologies developed took into account three types of foods (i.e., non-acid and non- broth food, acid food, broth food), by using MilliQ water to avoid external contamination during the analysis. Visual observations were used to determine the number of microparticles present on filters; some of them were then analysed using the micro-Raman (µ-Raman) spectrometry, for detecting smaller microplastics (< 20 µm). It is important to underlined that, during the Ph.D. course, an in-depth study on the potential impact of microplastics on humans has been conducted, investigating the main pathways which could determine the accumulation of microplastics into human’s body. What emerged is that, up to now, evidences about the accumulation (considered as a process that provides for an internalization of microplastics in the cell system) have been not provided yet. Such phenomenon seems to be more biologically plausible for the nanoscale rather than for the micro. Further investigation will be carried out for understanding the behaviour of microplastics in human organisms.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
embargo fino al 08/08/2025
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