By judgment no. 52 of 2016 the Constitutional Court held that it was not for the Court of Cassation to assert the validity of the resolution with which the Council of Ministers denied in this case to the UAAR (Atheist Union and Agnostic Rationalists) the opening of negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement within the meaning of the third paragraph of Article 8 of the Constitution. The constitutional judges have so resolved in favor of the Government the conflict between the powers of the State raised by the Presidency of the Council against the judgment no. 16305 of 2013 of the United Sections of the Cassation, which, pronouncing ex art. 111, eighth paragraph, Cost, had dismissed the appeal against Judgment no. 6083 of 2011 of the Council of State, favoring the supposed syndication, as a non-political act, of the abovementioned denial. This constitutional pronouncement offers a number of critical remarks.
Con la sentenza n. 52 del 2016 la Corte costituzionale ha ritenuto che non spettasse alla Corte di Cassazione affermare la sindacabilità in sede giurisdizionale della delibera con la quale il Consiglio dei Ministri aveva negato, nella specie, all’UAAR (Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti) l’apertura delle trattative per la stipulazione di un’intesa ai sensi dell’art. 8, terzo comma, Cost.. I giudici di Palazzo della Consulta hanno così risolto a favore del Governo il conflitto di attribuzione tra poteri dello Stato sollevato dalla Presidenza del Consiglio avverso la sentenza n. 16305 del 2013 delle Sezioni unite della Cassazione, che, pronunciandosi ex art. 111, ottavo comma, Cost., avevano respinto il ricorso erariale contro la sentenza n. 6083 del 2011 del Consiglio di Stato, favorevole alla sindacabilità, in quanto atto non politico, del succitato diniego. La pronuncia costituzionale offre il fianco a numerose osservazioni critiche.
Bilateralità pattizia e diritto comune dei culti. A proposito della sentenza n. 52/2016
Parisi Marco
By judgment no. 52 of 2016 the Constitutional Court held that it was not for the Court of Cassation to assert the validity of the resolution with which the Council of Ministers denied in this case to the UAAR (Atheist Union and Agnostic Rationalists) the opening of negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement within the meaning of the third paragraph of Article 8 of the Constitution. The constitutional judges have so resolved in favor of the Government the conflict between the powers of the State raised by the Presidency of the Council against the judgment no. 16305 of 2013 of the United Sections of the Cassation, which, pronouncing ex art. 111, eighth paragraph, Cost, had dismissed the appeal against Judgment no. 6083 of 2011 of the Council of State, favoring the supposed syndication, as a non-political act, of the abovementioned denial. This constitutional pronouncement offers a number of critical remarks.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.