The label ‘faktische Vertragsverhältnisse’ was created by G. Haupt in 1941. He founded the theory of the ‘de facto’ contractual relations, which represents an attempt to modernize the law of contract in the modern industrial society. The offer and acceptance formula, developed in the 19th century, requires an offer and acceptance in order to form a contract. This classical approach to contract formation had been weakened by several decisions of the Imperial Court (Reichsgericht). Haupt did not leave completely the core of the classical approach but introduced the new class of the ‘de facto’ contractual relations. The class contains three subclasses: contractual relations arising from ‘social contact’, contractual relations arising from ‘involvement in a common enterprise’ and contractual relations arising from ‘commonly understood and accepted practices’.
L’etichetta «faktische Vertragsverhältnisse» è stata creata da Haupt nel 1941. Con la teoria dei rapporti contrattuali di fatto l’autore ha tentato di modernizzare la disciplina del contratto nella moderna società industriale. La concezione tradizionale, risalente al XIX secolo, richiede proposta e accettazione per la costituzione del contratto. L’approccio classico era stato minato da numerose sentenza della Suprema corte imperiale (Reichsgericht). Haupt non vuole abbandonare completamente il nucleo della concezione tradizionale, ma la integra con la nuova categoria dei rapporti contrattuali di fatto, che comprende tre gruppi di casi. Il primo gruppo comprende i rapporti contrattuali di fatto nascenti da contatto sociale, il secondo quelli che conseguono all’inserzione in un rapporto comunitario, mentre il terzo quelli derivanti da un obbligo sociale di prestazione.
Sui rapporti contrattuali di fatto
The label ‘faktische Vertragsverhältnisse’ was created by G. Haupt in 1941. He founded the theory of the ‘de facto’ contractual relations, which represents an attempt to modernize the law of contract in the modern industrial society. The offer and acceptance formula, developed in the 19th century, requires an offer and acceptance in order to form a contract. This classical approach to contract formation had been weakened by several decisions of the Imperial Court (Reichsgericht). Haupt did not leave completely the core of the classical approach but introduced the new class of the ‘de facto’ contractual relations. The class contains three subclasses: contractual relations arising from ‘social contact’, contractual relations arising from ‘involvement in a common enterprise’ and contractual relations arising from ‘commonly understood and accepted practices’.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.