With the reform of the Title V of the Constitution, as it is known, a new division of the legislative power between the State and the Regions was introduced, as a consequence of which there was a non-negligible attenuation of the original primacy of the national legislator in various matters and the entrusting of important regulatory responsibilities to the peripheral public administrations. The legislative power has been conferred on them in areas relevant to the satisfaction of individual and collective religious interests: an autonomous capacity for regulation destined to become increasingly stronger and significant, also in reference to the enjoyment of freedom rights, in the concrete hypothesis of the realization of the current projects of 'differentiated regionalism'. But the provision of a broad sphere of action by the Regions, in relation to disciplinary profiles connected to the religious social phenomenology, could lead to significant consequences in terms of protection of the related fundamental right (generally considered) and the equal freedom of the religious denominations before the law. That is, the new autonomist demands would lend themselves to making the guarantee of some fundamental civil and social rights locally insufficient, as in the case of the freedom of the religious beliefs and experiences.
Con la riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione, com’è noto, si è introdotta una nuova ripartizione del potere legislativo tra Stato e Regioni, in conseguenza della quale si è determinata una non trascurabile attenuazione dell’originario primato del legislatore nazionale in diverse materie e l’affidamento di importanti competenze normative alle amministrazioni pubbliche periferiche. Ad esse è stata conferita la potestà legislativa in ambiti rilevanti per il soddisfacimento degli interessi religiosi individuali e collettivi: una capacità autonoma di normazione destinata a divenire sempre più forte e significativa, anche in riferimento al godimento dei diritti di libertà, nella concreta ipotesi della realizzazione degli attuali progetti di ‘regionalismo differenziato’. Ma la previsione di un’ampia sfera di azione da parte delle Regioni, relativamente a profili di disciplina connessi alla fenomenologia sociale religiosa, potrebbe determinare notevoli conseguenze in termini di tutela del connesso diritto fondamentale (generalmente considerato) e dell’eguale libertà delle confessioni davanti alla legge. Ovvero, le nuove rivendicazioni autonomistiche si presterebbero a rendere localmente insufficiente la garanzia di alcuni diritti civili e sociali fondamentali, come nel caso delle libertà delle credenze e delle esperienze fideistiche.
Fenomeno religioso ed esercizio delle competenze legislative nella prospettiva della differenziazione autonomistica regionale
Parisi Marco
With the reform of the Title V of the Constitution, as it is known, a new division of the legislative power between the State and the Regions was introduced, as a consequence of which there was a non-negligible attenuation of the original primacy of the national legislator in various matters and the entrusting of important regulatory responsibilities to the peripheral public administrations. The legislative power has been conferred on them in areas relevant to the satisfaction of individual and collective religious interests: an autonomous capacity for regulation destined to become increasingly stronger and significant, also in reference to the enjoyment of freedom rights, in the concrete hypothesis of the realization of the current projects of 'differentiated regionalism'. But the provision of a broad sphere of action by the Regions, in relation to disciplinary profiles connected to the religious social phenomenology, could lead to significant consequences in terms of protection of the related fundamental right (generally considered) and the equal freedom of the religious denominations before the law. That is, the new autonomist demands would lend themselves to making the guarantee of some fundamental civil and social rights locally insufficient, as in the case of the freedom of the religious beliefs and experiences.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.