Testing of territorial regeneration in the microcosm(s) of abandonment. Participatory processes in Villacanale. The article discusses the transformative processes underway in some Apennine contexts and the capacity of these territories to become “regenerative laboratories” in contrast to the gradual process of socio-territorial impoverishment that characterises them. Specifically, the authors question whether in such contexts one can speak of true “germination places” in which sustainable local development processes are triggered off and how much strategic awareness there is in places of this type, i.e. what meanings are attributed by the local community to regenerative tools and processes also in virtue of their own territorial identity. To answer these questions, an attempt is made to understand through the Villacanale case study how territorial resources are conceived, measuring their level of cultural appropriation and social use by a community that is not only resident. Furthermore, we intend to assess the self-reproduction capacity of the identified territorial resources, in terms of sustainability and co-evolutionary dynamics, as well as the triggering factors of regenerative paths.
L’articolo discute sui processi trasformativi in atto in alcuni contesti appenninici e la capacità di questi territori di divenire “laboratori rigenerativi” in controtendenza rispetto al graduale processo di impoverimento socio-territoriale che li caratterizza. Ci si chiede, nello specifico, se in tali contesti si possa parlare di veri e propri “luoghi di germinazione” in cui si innescano processi di sviluppo locale sostenibile e quanta consapevolezza strategica vi è in luoghi di questo tipo, ovvero quali significati vengono attribuiti dalla comunità locale agli strumenti e ai processi rigenerativi anche in virtù della propria identità territoriale. Per rispondere a tali quesiti, si cerca di comprendere attraverso il caso studio di Villacanale come vengono concepite le risorse territoriali, misurandone il livello di appropriazione culturale e fruizione sociale da parte di una comunità non solo residente. Inoltre si intende valutare la capacità di autoriproduzione delle risorse territoriali individuate, in termini di sostenibilità e di dinamiche co-evolutive, nonché i fattori di innesco di percorsi rigenerativi.
Prove di rigenerazione territoriale nei microcosmi dell’abbandono: processi partecipativi a Villacanale
Testing of territorial regeneration in the microcosm(s) of abandonment. Participatory processes in Villacanale. The article discusses the transformative processes underway in some Apennine contexts and the capacity of these territories to become “regenerative laboratories” in contrast to the gradual process of socio-territorial impoverishment that characterises them. Specifically, the authors question whether in such contexts one can speak of true “germination places” in which sustainable local development processes are triggered off and how much strategic awareness there is in places of this type, i.e. what meanings are attributed by the local community to regenerative tools and processes also in virtue of their own territorial identity. To answer these questions, an attempt is made to understand through the Villacanale case study how territorial resources are conceived, measuring their level of cultural appropriation and social use by a community that is not only resident. Furthermore, we intend to assess the self-reproduction capacity of the identified territorial resources, in terms of sustainability and co-evolutionary dynamics, as well as the triggering factors of regenerative paths.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.